For a point of reference the kitchen looked like this (excuse the mess):
Though acceptable it did have a very "fluorescent Grandma" theme, and frankly made finding and matching paint colors practically impossible - never mind the kitchen suffered from a total lack of depth.
This weekend I followed my own instructions and worked on the house instead of sitting in front of the computer. Unfortunately things didn't go very well. In an effort to keep the project simple I tried to limit my work to replacing only the light fixture. Of course this meant the lighting looked exactly the same with the only change being varying degrees of color and intensity, which is not what I was looking for.
It's rather sad that during the entire weekend I suppressed my natural instincts regarding lighting setup and theory. Why? I don't like to assume that my semi-related skills (in this case game lighting) translate into what I'm working on, in my mind thats how disastrous projects start. What I didn't take into consideration is that I developed my game lighting theory based on architectural and cinematic lighting theories, so naturally the common elements transfer back over into architectural lighting.
This afternoon I decided to go back to the basics and picked a three point lighting scheme for the kitchen (yup, I love three point setups, it's a classic that can be applied to damn near anything) involving task, accent and fill lighting.
Step one, layout and setup the task lighting. For my setup I went with a simple under cabinet low voltage halogen light system and line voltage halogen lights above the sink.
I also setup a preliminary fill lighting test, though I haven't worked on the accent lighting and the fill light is way too harsh, it at least points out where things are going and what needs work.
Anyway I need to get back to work during this week, but I'm already looking forward to the weekend.
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