Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wow it's been a month

Wow it's been a month since I last posted – I can't believe how the time flies. We've been so insanely busy here it feels like GDC was only last week.

April is always a killer month (killer bad, not killer good), with taxes, both my wife's birthday and mine, and what seems like an unusual number of new products and contracts that always flood in around this time. To complicate the mix I attended GDC this year, then followed it up with a trip out to Eugene to talk shop with the GG guys, and also have a major project finishing up in a few weeks with a second hot on its heels.

So to put it mildly... my brain hurts...

Why is this time of year so busy? Every year March through May (but mainly April) seems to bring in enough projects for the year (or more) and kick off another round of explosive growth. Maybe it's the industry conferences this time of year, or project alignment for the holiday season – I don't know, but it's definitely a good time of year.

Torque Lighting Kit

Due to popular request we've added Visual Studio 2005 Express support to the Torque Lighting Kit. A new download link was added to the VC2005 TDN article outlining how to use VC2005 with Torque.

Torque Lighting Kit users need to download the TLK update instead of the TGE update, and follow the existing directions outlined in the article.

I created a feedback thread in the TLK private forums, so if you have any questions or comments pop over and let me know.

Bah, it's four in the morning, and at this point I've exceeded my ability to think – time for sleep...
or maybe a quick game of Guitar Hero... :)
