Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Synapse Gaming Site Update and GDC

Well, tomorrow morning I head off to GDC, and with only two hours before I need to wake up it looks like I'll be sleeping on the plane. I probably should have gone to bed early - I can never sleep when I know I have to get up soon, but we had a major site update that was, more or less, finished up only an hour ago. Generally I wouldn't rush this sort of thing through, but, heading off to GDC, we needed an updated site to better convey our business.

The new site layout has been used internally here for a few months now to get a feel for its flow - and frankly I like it. The first thing you'll notice is that the awesome theme create by Matt Summers is still intact - we love this look and didn't want to touch it. The changes are purely layout and copy.

At this point the site is still unfinished - the TLK page needs links to the new Shaman demo and linked to the GG product page (or even better to the cart :), but the current site is a big improvement over what we had, so I'm happy with it for now.

Anyway check out the new site layout and let us know what you think and if you have any problems (if you run into any issues with the menu, just hit refresh, the style sheet could be cached by the browser):

Synapse Gaming


Friday, March 10, 2006

TLK Shaman Demo Public Soft Launch

After a week of testing and feedback from the Torque Lighting Kit community, the TLK Shaman Demo is ready for its public debut. Initially we're soft launching the demo here, and if all goes well it will be ready for a full public release shortly.

The demo, which was produced by Synapse Gaming and features TLK technology, also features artwork by Christophe Canon and music by Ajari Wilson. It shows just some of the awesome possibilities available to you when using TLK, and how to achieve them.

Torque Lighting Kit: Shaman Demo (Windows)
Torque Lighting Kit: Shaman Demo (OS X)

Don't forget that owning a TLK license gives you access to exclusive TLK resources, including the just released (and already extremely popular) Bloom/Dynamic Range Lighting (HDR without shaders) resource!

So if you're a TLK licensee check out the New Resource thread. If you're not what are you waiting for - buy it now! :)

We'd just like to say thanks to the TLK community for their feedback - its helped us to really tighten up the demo.

-John Kabus

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Awesome New TLK Resources Available!

Synapse Gaming is always working with community members to help with TLK based resources. This week we released two new resources; a Dynamic Range Lighting and Bloom resource created by Jeff Raab and Alex Scarborough, and an updated GuiObjectView for TLK.

Jeff and Alex's resource supports Dynamic Range Lighting (which adjusts the screen exposure based on scene lighting), Bloom, and Tone Mapping - making it a very complete resource. Even better it's extremely easy to add to your project. Awesome work guys!

Also released is a new GuiObjectView designed specifically for TLK, which provides better lighting control and env mapping.

Definitely check out these resources and let us know what you think.

And if you have any ideas for TLK resources let us know!

-John Kabus

Friday, March 03, 2006

TLK Shaman Demo Sneak Peek/Soft Launch!

Oh ya, the TLK Shaman demo sneak preview just launched in the TLK private forums. The demo, which was produced by Synapse Gaming and features TLK technology, also features artwork by Christophe Canon and music by Ajari Wilson.

Now it's only a matter of time before the public release... :)


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

TLK Shaman Demo Nearing Completion

During these past two weeks I had time to finish up work to the TLK Shaman demo, and I'm hoping we'll release it very soon. Unfortunately due to time constraints the Shaman demo hadn't changed much since IGC, but over the past two weeks I've made up for that.

The demo, which was produced by Synapse Gaming and features its technology, also features artwork by Christophe Canon and music by Ajari Wilson.

I've worked on a number of projects over the years, but this is certainly one of my favorites. The quality of work produced by Christophe and Ajari is simply amazing, and their professionalism is topnotch. Moreover our team meshed very tightly together - it seemed like we were always moving in the same direction and able to know exactly what the others were looking for. I'm definitely looking forward to working with these guys in the future.

Before the official launch we're planning on a private beta launch within the TLK community in order to get feedback on the demo and to widen our testing.

I'm really looking forward to this release and hoping everything goes well.

TLK Shaman demo desktop background:
